What do I need?

Tank Size 

20 gallon long aquarium is the minimum tank size for 1 axolotl.  If you have 2, then you will need a 40 gallon breeder at minimum.  Remember that the axolotls need to be same size and gender to cohabitate them.



Once your axolotl reaches 5 inches, your lotl can be put on a fine aquarium sand.  Absolutely no gravel ever!  Impaction is extremely dangerous, and they will inhale the gravel as they eat.


Axolotl size: No one should ever sell an axolotl before it reaches a minimum 3 inches.}  Below that size, they are not on food that is readily available, and their health is still very tender.


Food Needs


European Nightcrawlers are a great protein source for your axolotl.  They are related to Red Wigglers, however we have found axolotls like these varieties better than red wigglers.  They are also much smaller than the Canadian nightcrawlers and typically do not need to be cut in half once the lotl is about 5 inches or so.

You can get these from us at the store, at any expo we vend, and also from bait stores/some pet stores will have them as well.



Our axolotls are all raised on a combo of European Nightcrawlers and these soft carnivore pellets.  We have trained our lotls to eat out of a dish too which helps keep the tank clean.  Just put a small dish in the bottom of the tank, and drop the pellets right on the dish.  They are able to find them and learn that is where they get their food.  You can get these pellets right on our website, an expo, or our store in Webster NY




Blackworms are a great source of protein especially for hatchlings and those axolotls that may be having a period of time that they are being a bit picky with feeding due to illness or just plain stubborn.  Eastern aquatics is a great place to get your worms.




Chemicals/Supplies Needed

If you are in the Rochester NY area, we have an Axolotl specific storefront in Webster NY

Our store (and all expos we are at) is fully stocked with EVERYTHING that you will need to have a happy, safe, healthy axolotl.

We offer FULLY CYCLED tanks at our store.  Yes, fully cycled.  You can take your new pet home and immediately introduce it into the tank.  Ask for more information.

Below is a list of all the chemicals/supplies that we recommend using with a link on Amazon.  There are many brands of chemicals, however these ones we KNOW are specifically safe for axolotls.



  • Seachem Prime immediately and permanently removes chlorine and chloramine, successfully allowing the biofilter to remove ammonia, nitrite, and nitrate while they are detoxified for 48 hours.



Fritz Zyme 7


  • 🐟 Live Nitrifying Bacteria for Rapid Cycle: FritzZyme 7 Freshwater contains live, species-specific strains of nitrifying bacteria, proven to quickly reduce toxic ammonia and nitrite levels, significantly reducing fish loss and cycle time in new and established aquariums.





  • TANK STABILIZATION: Seachem Stability will rapidly and safely establish the aquarium biofilter in freshwater and marine systems, thereby preventing the #1 cause of fish death: "new tank syndrome".
  • TREATMENT: Stability is formulated specifically for the aquarium and contains a synergistic blend of aerobic, anaerobic, and facultative bacteria which facilitate the breakdown of waste organics, ammonia, nitrite, and nitrate.



Dr Tim's Ammonia

Ammonia that is needed to get the tank cycle established. 



API Freshwater Master Test Kit


This is a 100% must have.  This test kit is the most important tool to ensure that the water your axolotl is living in is safe.  This is a liquid test kit.  There are "strips", however they are not accurate.



Sponge Filter



We recommend using sponge filters in axolotl tanks.  Axolotls do not like high water flow, so the hang on the back filter systems can cause un necessary stress.  Filtration needs to be at least DOUBLE your tank size.  If you have a 20 gallon tank, your filtration needs to be rated for AT LEAST 40 gallons.  



Air Pump


This is the air pump that will run your sponge filters.



Air Pump/Filter Tubing


Tubing to connect the air pump to the sponge filter.
